Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies

The Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies (InJAST) [P-ISSN 2722-0133 | E-ISSN 2722-0141] is a peer-reviewed open access journal. It publishes original research articles related to all aspects of main, basic, and applied environmental sciences which includes but not limited to the following topics, such as environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology geoscience, environmental physics, applied research on atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments pollution control and abatement technology, conservation of natural resources, environmental health study and toxicology, environmental quality assessment, as well as environmental standards and criteria. It is primarily a medium for disseminating original theoretical and experimental researches, as well as technical reviews. Initially InJAST journal was published by the Graduate School of Environmental Management, Pakuan University, but since Volume 3 Number 1 (April 2022) it is co-published biannually (April and October) by PERWAKU (Perhimpunan Cendikiawan Pemerhati Lingkungan Indonesia - The Indonesian Association of Environmentalist Scholars) and the Graduate School of Environmental Management, Pakuan University, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The Graduate School at Pakuan University, through its Study Programme of Environmental Management, is having a vision as a center for developing a qualified, tough and dignified human resources. The Indonesian Association of Environmentalist Scholars or Perhimpunan Cendikiawan Pemerhati Lingkungan Indonesia (PERWAKU) is having a vision to develop a joint efforts to save environment from damage caused by human activities. The publication of this journal is also supported by Belantara Foundation, a non-profit organization which has a vision to achieve sustainable landscapes for communities' harmonious with nature and prosperous life. InJAST journal is accredited (SINTA 4) based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia No. 204/E/KPT/2022.


Vol 5, No 1 (2024): Volume 5 Number 1 October 2024
