Hafzotillah Hafzotillah, Karina Pramita Ningrum


Communication problems are often a complex problem in human life. In everyday life, whether at home, in institutions, or in the community environment where humans are located, each individual must be involved in communication. The more complex human life, the greater the role of communication in its function as a tool in conveying information, supporting interaction, solving problems, and socializing with others. Communication can be done in 2 ways, either verbal or non-verbal. Non-verbal behavior is formed based on values, culture, habits, and history. Making Bento is one way of extending the hand of communication tools between individuals which is an adaptation of cultural values that exist in Japan that have developed to Indonesia. Bento in Japanese means lunch, popular because it is considered practical and cheap so it is often sold in shops, supermarkets. The most special bento is the bento made by hand (homemade). The practice of making Bento can be an easy way for the inmates of the detention center to express their feelings as an extension of their hands in communicating with their children, spouse, or family. Making Bentoes can also be another way to channel the creativity of the inmates which can later become new abilities for the inmates of the detention center which can be used as a source of income when the inmates return to interacting in the community so that this can reduce economic problems.


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