Ruyatul Hilal Mukhtar, Aam Nurjaman, Stella Talitha


The purpose of this study was to analyze student perspectives on MBKM activities, the impact of MBKM on 21st century student competencies, and the relevance of MBKM to the SDGs. The focus of this research is to describe and analyze students' perspectives on MBKM activities through questionnaires that have been given to students online. This research method is a survey method. The research instrument is a closed 21st century skills questionnaire, SDGs closed questionnaire, student perspective questionnaire related to MBKM. The results of the analysis 1) the perspective of students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) on MBKM, which is enough to know MBKM policies, 2) the impact of MBKM on 21st century competence of students, namely in the high category are critical thinking skills and collaboration skills, while communication skills and creativity skills and innovation is in the sufficient category, 3) the relevance of MBKM to the SDGs is very relevant. This is indicated by the overall indicators in the high category. Additional data (MBKM activities in each study program/Faculty) are teaching campuses, Indonesian Student Micro Credentials (KMMI), Thematic Real Work Lectures (KKNT), youth entrepreneurship courses, and collaboration. The conclusion from the perspective of students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) on MBKM can be said to be quite good.


SDGs, 21st Century Skills, Freedom to Learn


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