IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MBKM PROGRAM ON 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF SDGs (Tracer Study on Biology Education Study Program Students, Pakuan University)

Rita Istiana, Muhammad Taufik Awaludin, Desti Herawati


This study aims to analyze the implementation of the MBKM program on 21st century students' skills and the relevance of the MBKM program to the SDGs. The research was conducted on students of the Biology Education Study Program, FKIP Pakuan University, carried out in November-December 2021. The methods used were surveys, interviews and video analysis. The data collected were 109 respondents (96% of the total population). The instruments used are: the 2021 MBKM Implementation Survey Instrument through SPADA DIKTI and a closed 21st century skills questionnaire, a closed SDGs questionnaire, and a student perspective questionnaire related to MBKM. The data was processed through descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that 96% of students were involved in filling out the questionnaire and 82.6% had implemented the MBKM program. The MBKM program has an impact on the 21st century competence of Biology Education Study Program students, with an average score for critical thinking skills of 3.82, collaboration skills of 4.11, communication skills of 3.86, and creative thinking skills of 3.77. The MBKM program also has a positive impact on students in achieving the SDGs, which has the greatest impact on the topic of Reducing Inequality and Protecting Land Ecosystems by 3.47.


SDGs, 21st Century Skills, Freedom to Learn


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