Muhammad Shidiq Arfiansyah, Qoute Nuraini Cahyaningrum, Dini Valdiani


This research is related to interpersonal communication in divorced married couples during the Covid-19 period. The research uses a qualitative approach, namely research that involves studies that use and correct a variety of empirical materials, case studies, personal experiences, introspective, life experiences, interviews, observations, historical, interactional, and visual texts that describe activities, problems and meaning. individual life. Based on the results of the analysis of the discussion of the information data from the informants, the researcher found and stated that interpersonal communication between the informants and their partners was not effective because it did not fulfill all aspects of the theory of effectiveness of interpersonal communication as a reference in this study, this resulted in a shift in marriage values and communication barriers. interpersonal communication experienced by married couples resulted in interpersonal communication between married couples not going well so that the occurrence of divorce.


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