Agus Riyanto, Mariana Rista Ananda Siregar, Diana Amaliasari


This research is based on one of the functions of public relations, namely building an image. This research will focus on the promotion strategy carried out by the Bogor City Government in collaboration with various parties to build the image of Bogor City as a friendly city for runners using the place branding. Place branding is one of the most popular concepts, generally in place marketing and especially in tourist destinations. the purpose of carrying out place branding is to create an impactful image consumer decision to visit that destination. In this study the author will use 2 main theories to explore the problem in depth. The first is the theory related to place branding from Kavaratzis which reveals that the evaluation aspect in place branding consists of: The Presence the Place, The Potential, The Pulse, The People, The Prerequisites. The second is a theory cited by Govers and Frank Go which states that place branding as marketing includes: creating names or symbols, conveying promises from travel experiences, and strengthening memories. This researcher used a qualitative research method with data search methods using in-depth interviews, data reduction, data presentation, inference and verification, and final conclusions. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of promotion through place branding has been running in accordance with the existing theory, but in practice there are still many shortcomings so that the process still has many obstacles and has not run optimally.


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