Pengaruh Penurunan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak Shell terhadap Brand Awareness Mahasiswa Universitas Pakuan

Daffa Fauzan Darmawan, Muhammad Iqbal Syamsir Batubara, Bayu Setiawan, Putri Arsila


Shell is one of the oil refueling places used by both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles in various places. The need for fuel for vehicles by consumers, especially Pakuan university students, is very large because Shell is considered more because it has good fuel quality so that many consumers fill their fuel oil at shell refueling with a choice of shell super, shell V-Power, shell diesel. The purpose of conducting research on "The Effect of Reducing Shell Fuel Oil Prices on the Consumer Purchasing Power of Public Relations Students of Pakuan University Class of 2020", among others: 1) Knowing whose Fuel Oil (BBM) belongs to and what type is mostly used by public relations students of the batch Pakuan University 2020. 2) Find out the opinions of students majoring in Public Relations Class of 2020 at Pakuan University regarding the reduction in Shell's fuel prices. 3) As a guideline and reference material for students in conducting research on the reduction in Shell's fuel prices and its impact on students' purchasing power. This study uses data collection with a questionnaire.


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