Metaphors In BBC News Online Political News Articles Published May - December 2022

Sangkot Delima


This study aims to describe metaphors in online news texts, especially political news, including (1) types of metaphors contained in online political news articles on the BBC News portal, (2) metaphor functions contained in political news articles on the BBC News portal. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this study is the language used in political news on the BBC News online news portal. The object of this study is to the types of metaphors, and the function of metaphors used in BBC News political news. The results of the analysis showed that from a total of 43 metaphorical meaningful sentence data, there were 28 structural metaphors, 12 ontological metaphors, and 3 orientational metaphors, thus the use of structural type metaphors with functions to overcome lexical limitations was the most commonly found in BBC News political news articles published in 2022.


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