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- Vol 6, No 2 (2024)
- Rullyanti
Merry Rullyanti, Amy Pradana, Danu Ario Putra, Salu Marcelina
The total number of users of regional and local languages in Indonesia has declined significantly. Such dominant factors are noticed to be able to weaken local languages in Indonesian society such as the lack of competence about Indonesian culture, the demands, and benefits of learning foreign languages. Similar to the situation which happens to the use of the Lembak language from the Lembak tribe of Bengkulu province in everyday life, it is fading significantly as the impact of globalization, foreign languages like English and Korean, and the lack of parental attention in cultivating it toward their children. Thus, there were concerns about keeping indigenous languages like Lembak language alive, especially with the influence of dominant languages. It is urged that bilingual dictionary must be compiled to be learnt by young generation and to make it easier as well as to preserve the indigenous language to be mastered by them since there is no specific document on the word collection of Lembak language. The systematic method was used in compiling the regional-Indonesian bilingual dictionary of Lembak language including Data Collection, Data Processing, Data Compilation and Editing, Testing and Revision. This process includes Translation, Pronunciation, Definition, and Examples. As a result, the process of compilation ends with the preparation of a bilingual dictionary format that comprises the alphabetical format, editing process, and dictionary testing. This dictionary is expected to be able to provide benefits in education and preservation of regional languages, facilitate learning, and support intercultural communication.
Regional Language; Bilingual Dictionary; Lembak
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