The Influence of the Flipped Classroom Learning Model on English Literature Students’ in Poetry Course at Pakuan University

Dyah Kristyowati, Resty Widya Kurniasari



This study aims to investigate the application of the flipped classroom learning model to influence class-A students' assesment in the English Literature Study Program at Pakuan University, Bogor. This type of research employs classroom action research with 50 students in class A and B  during the odd semester of 2022/23 enrolled in Poetry class . The collection of data was conducted with the use of speaking tests and observation sheets. Analyzing the data, an average score of 80% of students who had problems with speaking because they did not reach the passing standard value established in the lecture contract, and only 17% of students who were able to achieve the passing grade standard were obtained in the pre-action phase. The cycle I graduation rate increased to 46%, and in cycle II, 100% of students achieved the standard passing score. The results of this study indicate that the flipped classroom learning model can influence students' assessment .

Keywords: Poetry Analysis; Flipped Classroom Learning Model, Assesment



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DOI: 10.33751/albion.v5i1.8147


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