Potential of Malang Robusta Coffee Beans as Anti-breast Cancer In-Vitro

Novi Fajar Utami, Berna Elya, Hayun Hayun, Kusmardi Kusmardi, Syamsu Nur, Annisa Fajriati


Robusta coffee from Malang Regency, East Java is one of the superior products of the largest coffee-producing region in Indonesia. The coffee has high antioxidants. The component that acts as an antioxidant is the tannin content, and these tannins are also anti-cancer. Using the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method the tannin content in Malang Robusta coffee beans is known and then to measure its ability as an anticancer in-vitro against breast cancer cells using MCF-7.  The results showed that the tannin contained in Malang Robusta coffee bean extract was 2.81 % and inhibited MCF-7 at 400 µg/mL, it has potential as an anticancer with an inhibition value of 68.88 %. Therefore, the use of Robusta coffee from Malang at this concentration can be used as an anti-breast cancer agent.


Robusta; anticancer; MCF-7; in-vitro


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