Optimizing the Role of the Committee through the Parents Association in Supporting and Realizing the Quality of Education at SDN 06 Metro Utara

Tusriyanto Tusriyanto, Lina Novita


The purpose of this study was to describe the role of the committee through the parents' association in supporting the quality of education at SDN 06 Metro Utara. This study is a qualitative descriptive study by examining all available data from various sources, namely from interviews with both the principal and committee administrators, observations were made to obtain a comprehensive picture related to the condition of SDN 06 Metro, as well as using field notes, personal documents, documents official, still images to support the main data. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained data that the committee of SDN 06 Metro Utara has carried out its role well through the parents' association in supporting and realizing the quality of education as evidenced by the increase in accreditation from "B" to "A". In addition, the parents' association has also given full support in declaring SDN 06 Metro Utara to be one of the "Child Friendly Elementary Schools" so that there is no violence or bullying in schools, children feel happy, teachers are calm and parents at home don't feel worried about their children. To strengthen the character education of students as mandated by the Mayor of Metro, a mosque has also been built in schools with the cooperation of committee administrators, school principals and parents' associations.


School Committee, Parents Association and Education Quality

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