Optimization Of The Role Of The Young Farmers' Workshop Through The Management Of Non-Productive Land In Desa Pagelaran
Pagelaran is a village located in the Ciomas District, Bogor Regency. With an area of 203.00 hectares, the village has significant natural resources, including fertile land that can be used for agriculture. The village already has a hydroponic greenhouse and a seedling greenhouse, but these are not productive due to low farmer regeneration only 14 individuals are involved, and there is no clear job description structure. Therefore, the "Young Farmers' Workshop" program is proposed as a learning platform to develop productive land into modern agribusiness opportunities. This program aims to create a new generation of farmers by maximizing the use of non-productive land to increase the income of the younger generation. Empowerment is achieved through hydroponic vegetable cultivation using NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) installations for crops such as pakcoy, lettuce, and water spinach, as well as fruit cultivation with automatic watering system technology for melons and watermelons.The methods used in the Young Farmers' Workshop program include training, mentoring, and support with a non-formal curriculum and evaluation. The results of the program will include the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, as well as flagship products such as jelly ball candies, jelly candies, fruit juices, and eco-enzyme products. These results will reflect the enhancement of both soft skills and hard skills among young farmers in Desa Pagelaran, which will be measured through pre- and post-program questionnaires given to the community, as well as the community's ability to manage greenhouses on agricultural land.
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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v6i2.10672
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