Rainwater Harvesting System as an Alternative Effort to Provide Clean Water to Meet Agricultural Water Needs in Kalong Liud Village
Extreme climate change has caused several regions in Indonesia to experience drought, disrupting people's daily activities, one of which is agriculture. Kalong Liud Village is one of the locations affected by the long drought. In 2021, the extreme drought that hit for six months made it difficult to find sources of clean water to irrigate agricultural fields. This is a big problem for farmers in this village because agriculture is the main livelihood of the majority of the population. The team of PPK Ormawa HIMASKA Universitas Pakuan realized a solution to this problem by building a Rainwater Harvesting System (RHS). RHS can be an alternative source of clean water to irrigate agriculture in the dry season. The methods used to run this program are problem location surveys, outreach, implementation and evaluation. The result of the entire series of activities is the installation of RHS with a storage capacity of 1000 liters on village land located in RW 09 Bongas Village. We also formed a community group consisting of eight members and one chairman drawn from the Kalong Liud Village farmer group for the sustainability of the program which was accompanied by a Decree. Based on observations in the field, the tower tank can be filled completely if heavy rain falls with a rainfall of 100 to 150 mm per day and can be used to irrigate 154 m2 of land five times. With this rainwater harvesting system, farmers can use a backup source of clean water when there is a drought which makes it difficult to get water.
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