Reproductive Health Education for Stunting Prevention in Gunung Geulis Village, Bogor Regency
The provision of reproductive health education represents a crucial component of stunting prevention strategies, particularly in rural communities such as Gunung Geulis Village in Bogor Regency. This article delineates the objectives of community service activities, which are designed to enhance the Gunung Geulis community's comprehension of the significance of maintaining reproductive health in order to prevent stunting. The community service methods employed include counseling and the delivery of interactive workshops. The evaluation of activities integrated with stunting prevention has the potential to positively impact the quality of life of the community. The mean pretest score for participants' knowledge of reproductive health and its role in stunting prevention was 45.6. A post-test was conducted following the implementation of reproductive health education to prevent stunting. The mean post-test score for knowledge of reproductive health to prevent stunting was 84.7. Questionnaire results indicated an increase in knowledge of reproductive health and stunting. Questionnaire results showed that 98.5% of participants found this activity useful. Providing reproductive health education as an effort to prevent stunting in Gunung Geulis Village has a sustainable positive impact on the community.
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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v6i2.10675
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