Optimizing Natural Resource Management In Realizing A Sustainable Tourism Village In Tajurhalang Village
This Tajurhalang Village is a pilot village located in a green hilly area in Cijeruk District, Bogor Regency, West Java. Tajurhalang Village has several potentials, including waste bank, maggot and catfish cultivation, herbal plants, waterfall and camping ground. The purpose of this activity is to make Tajurhalang Tourism Village a fostered village so that the sustainability of the programme is maintained. The method used was the preparation stage through socialisation of activities, implementation of activities, supervision and reporting of activities. The focus of the programme included waste management, cultivation of catfish and maggot through aquaponic system, and production of pihong herbal drink as welcome drink. Key achievements included the discovery of tourism potential, improvement of facilities and amenities, and the establishment of a tourism village management institution. Training and branding through social media Tiktok and marketplace Tokopedia, improving human resource capacity and promotion of local products are expected to increase the number of visitors and community income. The evaluation showed that with institutional support and community participation, Tajurhalang Village has the potential to become an independent and sustainable tourism village.
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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v6i2.10947
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