Ade Heri Mulyati, Diana Widyiastuti, Prasetyorini ., Siti Warnasih, Linda Jati K., Yulian Syahputri


KAN's accredited Laboratory of Service of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is very much needed by all lecturers and students of the University of Pakuan as one of the means to accelerate the study period of students and improve the performance and quality of research for all lecturers in Pakuan University. Faculty of Mathematics and Science Service Laboratory Universitas Pakuan has been officially established based on the University of Pakuan Rector's Decree Number: 15.1 / Kep / Rek / II / 2018 dated 20 February 2018 signed by the Chancellor of Pakuan University namely Dr. H. Bibin Rubini, M.Pd. It was founded as one of the Campus Intellectual Business Units in charge of serving chemical analysis services for all students and lecturers in the Pakuan University environment for food products, natural materials, and the environment as well as providing various skills training that must be possessed by students to obtain work and improve their competence. The target of it is to become a laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Committee by implementing ISO 17025: 2017 in running the system so that the resulting data output can be accounted for.


service Laboratory; food analysis; environmental analysis; natural material analysis; quality of the publication


Anonim. 2017. Pedoman Standarisasi dan Akreditasi. BSN: Jakarta.

Anonim. 2017. Pelayanan Jasa dan Pelatihan. Lembaga Pelatihan PPMB Kementerian Perdagangan. Jakarta.

Badan standarisasi Nasional. SNI ISO/IEC17025:2008. Persyaratan Umum Kompetensi Laboratorium Pengujian dan Laboratorium Kalibrasi.

Komite Akreditasi Nasional. 2012. Syarat dan Aturan Akreditasi Laboratorium dan Lembaga Inspeksi. Terbitan No.4. Jakarta.

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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v1i01.1465


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