Oom Komala, E. Mulyati Effendi, Sri Wiedarti, Moerfiah .


Loji, West Bogor District, Bogor City is a densely populated area. Knowledge of the benefits and manufacture of  Glycine soja milk-based yogurt  for Family  is very important to  family health. Yogurt can  make varied drinks in the family so as to support family health. Because yogurt has been proven in boosting the immune system, also the benefits of soy milk are very effective for some health problems. The purpose of this  program is  provide information the making of soy milk-based yogurt for families and give information  of the benefits of yogurt if consumed. The method of the activity is  practice in making Yogurt was added  the starter to be fermented againt 20 cadres. Evaluation of making soy-based Yogurt is done after 2 days of practice to wait for the fermentation process that occurs in the basic ingredients of soy milk. The results of the activities of Empowering Family Welfare can make yogurt from soy milk with a variety of flavors. The output of this activity is an increase in the understanding and skills of the  Loji village family  West  Bogor District  in making Yogurt and  increasing family business skills.  This activity improves cadre knowledge.


glycine soja milk; yogurt


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v2i01.2791


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