Ferdisar Andrian, Herman Herman, Abdul Kohar


Community Service aims to improve the ability of BumDesa Makmur Jaya in business management. This problem stems from the existence of a lemon plantation business managed by BUMDesa Makmur Jaya. The yields of the lemon orange plantation business have not been able to improve the performance of the BUMDesa because they are sold at low prices. To increase the selling value of the harvest, the lemon fruit harvest must be processed in order to increase the selling value, but the human resource capacity of BUMDesa Makmur Jaya has limited ability to increase the value of the harvested product. This Community Service is an effort to improve the ability of BUMDesa Makmur Jaya in improving its business performance. The method used is the application of the Business Model Canvas system model, the application of this business system model is carried out as an effort to implement Appropriate Technology as part of efforts to increase the competitiveness of BUMDesa Makmur Jaya. The result of this Community Service is the creation of a professional and competitive BUMDesa


business model canvas; BUMDesa; Makmur Jaya


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v2i2.3299


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