Farida Nuraeni, Tri Aminingsih


Curug Village is a village in the West Bogor Subdistrict, Bogor City. Curug Village is a village that has a potential PKK Women's Group, but has not been able to be developed professionally. In the village of Curug, there are still very few pokja activities carried out, while the community is very enthusiastic and has the potential to develop and develop their skills. When viewed from the activities of each working group in the village of Curug, there are still very few. This is possibly due in part to the lack of delivery of various information or the development of the skills of its members in the form of counseling and training training to the village community.The solution offered by the university, in this case the Chemistry and Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pakuan University, is to provide counseling about roselle plants and the benefits of rosella for health as well as training in processing them into natural dyes, various functional foods and drinks. Competitions need to be held to maintain and maintain motivation in working in developing roselle flower processing. Long-term evaluation will be carried out through monitoring the results of the training. One of the medicinal plants that has the potential to be developed more optimally both for its cultivation and processing is the rosella plant. This plant has many health benefits including improving blood circulation, preventing high blood pressure, improving bowel performance and functioning as a tonic (strong medicine) and anti-cancer. The lack of public knowledge, especially the PKK group of Curug Village, in processing and optimizing the potential of medicinal plants is also a major obstacle to the diversification of roselle plant processing.The activity plan that will be carried out includes providing counseling about roselle plants and the benefits of rosella for health, providing explanations about how to care for roselle plants and providing roselle seeds for cultivation, counseling and training on processing rosella flower petals as natural dyes as well as functional food and drinks and practices by the participants. Processing of rosella flowers includes natural dyes, tea bags, syrups, sweets and instant rosella granules. In addition, there will also be competitions for participants with the theme of making healthy food and beverage products from Rosella as well as long-term evaluation through monitoring the results of the training which is carried out directly to the Kelurahan and Villages that have become partners.


rosella flower; curug village; syrup; functional food


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v2i2.3300


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