Desi Sucianti, Ahmad Burhanudin Tufiq, Dessy Herlisnawati, Nancy Yusnita


The rapid development in the industrial world is increasing the competition that occurs between companies in producing quality products at quite competitive prices. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector is one of the industries that competes in advancing the economy in Indonesia. MSME Millennia is a micro, small and medium scale business that has a business in producing ballet type shoes for women. MSME Millennials market their products to wholesalers in the Bogor Wholesale Market area, which is located on Jalan Sartika Bogor, which will then market shoe products outside the region. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze how the allocation and calculation of the Cost of goods sold of shoes with the company method and the full costing method. Through this identification and analysis, it can be seen whether the calculation of the company's Cost of goods sold is better when compared to the full costing method and it is hoped that the accuracy of the costs that should occur in production activities is expected. Costs in manufacturing companies are divided into three, namely: direct material costs, direct labor costs, and factory overhead costs. The results obtained from research regarding the calculation of the Cost of goods sold, obtained two values, namely based on the company's calculation for the cost of goods manufactured is Rp. 16,088.27 (Model AIII01), Rp. 15,315.30 (Model AIII02), and Rp. 15,688.27 (Model AIII03). . The Cost of goods sold method with full costing is Rp. 16,942.78 (Model AIII01), Rp. 16,170,25 (Model AIII02) and Rp. 16,542.77 (Model AIII03). This difference greatly affects the company in determining the selling price of the product because the cost of the product is the main element in determining the selling price of the product. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the calculation of the Cost of goods sold as the basis for determining the selling price according to the full costing method is better in analyzing production costs than calculating the company's Cost of goods sold. This is because the calculation using the full costing method is more accurate because in the calculation it charges factory overhead costs more precisely, including the imposition of depreciation costs.


cost of goods sold; full costing method


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v2i1.6048


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