Rahmawati Rahmawati, Arief Tri Hardiyanto, Patar Simamora, Yohanes Indrayono


Indonesia is a developing country where the government continues to make various innovations. Innovations were made to increase sources of state revenue. The biggest source of state revenue is from the tax sector which contributes greatly to economic growth in Indonesia. One of the drivers of economic growth in Indonesia is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and plays an important role in the community's economy. As stated by the Head of the Cooperative and UMKM Office of Bogor City Anas S Resmana, the growth of UMKM is very rapid from 12 thousand to 23 thousand in 2018. The number of MSMEs should be proportional to the number of taxes received from the MSME sector. However, in reality what was reported from the page, KPP Pratama Bogor, in general, the formal compliance of the incoming SPT was still at 57 percent. Based on data from the number of taxpayers in the city of Bogor, namely 17,600 only 3,700 reported the tax return. Therefore, taxpayer compliance can be seen from the knowledge possessed by taxpayers with completed tax sanctions aimed at providing a deterrent effect for taxpayers who violate taxation provisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship: 1) the relationship of tax knowledge with the compliance of MSME taxpayers in the city of Bogor, 2) the relationship of tax sanctions with the compliance of MSME taxpayers in the city of Bogor, 3) the relationship between tax knowledge and tax sanctions both with the compliance of MSME taxpayers in the city of Bogor. The population in this study was 317 business owners. Data collection techniques in this study using a questionnaire. The sample used in this study were 32 MSMEs. The study sample was obtained 10% of the population, the sample was selected using stratified random sampling. The analytical method used in this study is correlational analysis. Data were tested using statistical produck and service solution (SPSS) using the validity test, reliability test, and the Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed that based on the results of the validity test on the tax knowledge variable, there were four invalid statements, and the validity test was repeated by removing four invalid statement instruments, and getting valid results from ten statement instruments, validity testing on the tax sanction variable and taxpayer compliance of all instruments declared valid. Spearman rank correlation test 1) there is a relationship between tax knowledge and tax compliance of MSME taxpayers in the city of Bogor, 2) there is no relationship between tax sanctions and MSME tax compliance in the city of Bogor, 3) there is a relationship between tax knowledge and tax sanctions both with MSME taxpayer compliance in the city of Bogor.


taxation knowledge; tax sanction; umkm; taxpayer compliance


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v2i1.6049


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