Putri Maydia Iswari, Oktori Kiswati Zaini, Sri Hidayati Ramdani, Herdiyana Herdiyana


This research is shown to explain whether there is an influence between brand image and Pixy lipstick consumer loyalty in Bojong Baru Village. In addition, this research is also shown to find out and analyze which indicators are the most dominant towards consumer loyalty in the brand image variable. This study uses primary and secondary data with the number of respondents 270 people, the sampling method uses Non Probability Sampling technique with Purposive Sampling method. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, normality test, and classical assumption test. The results showed that the brand image of Pixy's lipstick in Bojong Baru Village was good according to the respondents' responses, but Pixy's lipstick consumer loyalty was not good. The results of multiple linear regression analysis Y = 9.906 + 0.202CP - 0.056CPM - 0.041CPR. The result of the coefficient of determination (R2) is 2.56%. This shows that 2.56% brand image with an indicator of corporate image, user image, and product image have an effect on consumer loyalty with the most dominant indicator being the image of the maker.


brand image; corporation image; user image; product image; consumer loyalty


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v3i1.6061


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