Vira Tamia, Octori Kiswati Zaini, Agus Setyo Pranowo, Arie Wibowo Irawan


Empowering UMKM becomes a strategic choice to increase the income of low income groups, in order to reduce income inequality and poverty through increasing business capacity and business management skills. One of the manufacturing industry sectors that will continue to grow and develop is the footwear industry. Footwear UMKM in Ciomas Regency, Bogor is one area of home industry craftsmen that has the potential to produce products engaged in footwear.The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the improvement of product competitiveness, analyze internal and external factors, develop strategies and prioritize strategies to improve the competitiveness of footwear UMKM in Ciomas.The results of the analysis method of marketing strategy Vivan Shoes based on the results of the EFE matrix found that the strategic factor which is the main strength is the product designed using hand or handmade is the main strength with a score of 0.5694 and the weakness of Vivan Shoes is the dependence of capital on the customer with a score of 0.3596. While the analysis of the main opportunities for the main opportunities of UMKM footwear in Ciomas is the increased purchasing power of footwear in e-commerce so that footwear becomes the main or primary consumer item with a score of 0.663 and the threat to Vivan Shoes is that competitors have a well-known brand with a score of 0.874. Based on the IE matrix, Vivan Shoes is in quadrant 1, namely Growth and Build. With these conditions Vivan Shoes can use intensive or integrative strategies.Based on the SWOT matrix, the SO strategy is to penetrate the market by expanding market share and focus on improving the quality of raw materials and increasing the quantity of products. The WO strategy is to conduct motivational, entrepreneurial training and improve (supervise) quality management performance for craftsmen. The WT strategy is to use modern technology (design) to produce high quality and innovative products that are supported by an effective promotion strategy. The ST strategy is to build cooperation with stakeholders (suppliers and competitors) to maintain quality and bring out product characteristics to anticipate business competitors


marketing strategy; IE; SWOT; SPACE


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v3i1.6062


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