Improving The Ability Of Elementary School Teachers Through The Preparation of Competency-Based Assessment Instruments

Yudhie Suchyadi, Fitri Siti Sundari, Tustiyana Windiyani, Elly Sukmanasa, Lina Novita, Eka Suhardi, Sandi Budiana, Rini Sri Indriani


Education is a conscious effort that is deliberately designed to achieve the goals that have been set. Education aims to improve the quality of human resources. One of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources is through the learning process in schools. In an effort to improve the quality of educational resources, teachers are a component of human resources that must be fostered and developed continuously. The formation of the teaching profession is carried out through pre-service education programs and in-service programs. Not all teachers who are educated in educational institutions are well trained and qualified. The potential of teacher resources needs to continue to grow and develop in order to carry out their functions potentially. In addition, the effects of fast-paced change encourage teachers to continuously learn to adapt to the development of science and technology as well as community mobility. The preparation of Assessment Instruments in schools must be carried out by all educators, so they must be able to carry out various supervision and control to improve teacher performance. Supervision and control are preventive measures to prevent teachers from making deviations and being more careful in carrying out their work as educators. Therefore, the implementation of this Community Service will help improve teacher competence in analyzing questions used in assessing student learning outcomes. This activity is carried out for several cycles. Activity. The activities carried out by this community service are 1. The focus of community service activities Evaluation of education carried out in schools can be identified into two things, namely; training activities involving teacher administration and teaching and learning process activities, 2. This community service activity will be very helpful for teachers in solving educational problems faced by teachers during learning, and can provide motivation for teachers to always improve their knowledge to become teachers. who are professional in carrying out learning, 3. Through this community service, obstacles in activities can be resolved with several joint solutions.


community service; assessment instruments; competence


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v4i2.6154


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