Reinforcement The Competence Of Elementary School Teachers In The Re Of Teaching Materials The Theme Of Always Saving Energy Based On The Prezi Application In Bogor City

Elly Sukmanasa, Dadang Kurnia, Tatang Muhajang, Lina Novita, Muhammad Hadad, Fitriyah Adilah Putri


21st century learning has an influence in terms of the use of technology, meaning that learning must synergize with technology. The introduction of TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) in 21st century learning, has an impact on teachers in making devices with technology. A teacher must be involved in managing the classroom by designing learning tools that are charged with the TPACK approach. Learning is packaged with the aim that students have the ability to think at a high level, be creative, able to work and communicate. One of the problems that occurs at SDN Julang Bogor City is the limitation of teachers who do not have competence about mastering and understanding the design of learning tools based on the industrial revolution 4.0 platform. The purpose of this community service program (PKM) is to assist in making prezi-based teaching materials on the theme of always saving energy. The methods used are lectures and drill practices. The activity stage begins with the delivery of material on the importance of media, introduction to prezi media, and continues with drill practice that encourages participants to practice making prezi-based teaching materials. The results of this PKM training show that as many as 90% of teachers who take part in the training can make material according to indicators. This PKM activity is effective in helping teachers to compile technology-based teaching materials, especially based on prezi applications


21st century learning; mentoring; Prezi app


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v5i1.7785


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