Elementary School Students Learning Assistance in The Covid-19 Pandemic Through The Introduction Of The Kipin School 4.0 Application

Nur Hikmah, Rini Sri Indriani, Nita Karmila, Yudhie Suchyadi, Layli Putri Arfianti Harahap, Amalia Ainurrahmah, Ismi Fardila


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is hit education community, from elementary school student to higher education. This is also felt by elementary school age children at Parakan Village community group, RT.04/RW.03, Jalan Haji Abdullah Parakan Ciomas, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency. Challenges occur during online classes are implemented such as the difficulty of elementary school age children in carrying out online learning, lead to boredom in learning. In addition, the decrease in motivation with self-confidence cause due to not parentis guide. When the going gets tough, learning mentoring can be expected the situation the overcome the challages that occur in elementary school age children in partner area. There are two stages were carried out in the implementation of learning mentoring among others are introduce and use learning applications especially Kiping School 4.0, provide interesting and fun learning mentoring.  so that it was hoped that students' motivation and confidence in learning would increase and distance learning could be carried out properly. To find out the learning outcomes of students who take part in learning mentoring activities, provide questionnaires to parents of students, the results get a positive response from Parakan Village government officials and parents. And it can increase the motivation and enthusiasm of students which decreased drastically during the Covid 19 pandemic. The obstacles in community service activities include the kiping school application that does not have many choices of video media variations and teaching materials, so it requires other applications to assist mentoring activities. And there are still parents who have not given their children permission to participate in mentoring activities Covid-19 pandemic.


learning assistance; Covid-19; elementary school students; kipin school 4.0


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v5i1.7786


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