Development Of Primary School Teachers 'Competency In Making Information Technology Based Learning Media: Videoscribe: Sparkol In Clutch 3 Mandiri Kecamatan Bogor Barat Kota Bogor

Rina Rosdiana, Muhamad Firman Al-Fahad, Roy Efendi, Ruyatul Hilal Mukhtar, Ela Pratiwi


Teachers' abilities can be developed because of their potential. Facilities in the form of multivisual media devices can be used to increase professionalism. Training is needed to make learning media based on information technology using the Video scribe: sparkol application to increase teacher competence. This application is a software application that results in the form of a video that can be combined with concept maps, pictures, sound, and music that can stimulate active learning. A guideline has been prepared to support the training that contains the meaning, benefits, how to install it, how to change the on-line mode to off line, features, and how to solve the white blank problem when opening the application, as well as media samples. The method used: workshops, the material is delivered through demonstrations, lectures, discussions, mentoring, assignments (exercises), and presentations. Demonstrations are used to show examples of media. Assistance is carried out for the use of features, problems in their use. Another technique, a questionnaire as feedback from the teacher. In general, the results of the response to the workshop at the Cluster 3 Mandiri City of Bogor were very good. The teacher's response was 90.9% using instructional media, however, 40.9% still used conventional media; only 22, 7% knew about Video Scribe media: Sparkol; and will use this medium 95.5%. Other instruments Videos App and module installers: Teacher response 90.9% video easy to follow; features described clearly responded to 90.9%; easy to understand module responded 100%; teachers can use the application responded to as much as 100%; the module can be a guide responded to 95.5%; The teacher's response was 100% stated that mentoring was very helpful in making media; as well as the benefits of using media with various answers (interesting, good, simple, quite easy, helping the learning process, increasing interest in learning, and creativity. All teachers in this training created Video Scribe: Sparkol media with the use of various and interesting features.


teacher competence; learning Media; VideoScribe; Sparkol


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DOI: 10.33751/jce.v4i2.7787


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