The Impact of Earthworm Biopore Holes on Groundwater Absorption

Widyawati Widyawati


which is in nature both ossifying and closing ground surface, causes the decline of ground water infiltration. Some efforts to enlarge ground water infiltration have already been done, for example, by making infiltration wells and bioporic infiltration holes. Earthworms naturally do some activities which contribute to make ground water infiltrate. Due to this fact, a research needs conducting on bioporic infiltration holes of earthworms. This research was performed in Sukoharjo, Surakarta from September 2007 up to July 2008. The study aimed to search the diameter and amount of width units of bioporic infiltration holes of earthworms. The number of infiltration holes of earthworms was counted on the basis of measurement plots of 50 cm x 50 cm. The plots, 20 in number, were placed on a piece of land randomly. Each hole of earthworms (biopore) in every plot was measured to find its diameter. The result of the research showed that the average diameter of bioporic infiltration holes of earthworms was 4,58 mm, and there were 20 holes found in every square meter of land. The bioporic infiltration holes of earthworm could extend the infiltration area of ground water as many as 873 times.


earthworms; bioporic; ground water; biopore


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DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v6i2.10636


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