Fina Sancaya Rini


Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is an effort to reduce the incidence of HIV in pregnant women. The author conducted research on VCT with characteristics of maternal age, gestational age, parity, education, and occupation. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of pregnant women undergoing a VCT examination. This research was conducted in November-December 2018, the population in this study were all pregnant women who did VCT examination as many as 130. The number of mothers who did VCT based on age 20 years-35 years was 102 (78.5%). The number of mothers who did VCT based on the age of trimester 1 pregnancy was 122 people (93.8%). The number of mothers doing VCT based on primipara/grande multiparity was 80 people (61.5%). The number of mothers undergoing VCT was based on higher education 100 people (76.9%). The number of mothers who do VCT based on work does not work as many as 130 people (100%). Judging from the results of research based on the theory that many are appropriate and some are not appropriate both from age, gestational age, parity, education, and employment. Thus, the most variable is jobs as many as 130 people (100%). All health workers, especially midwives, should further improve counseling services on VCT testing for pregnant women and especially in matters relating to HIV disease in pregnant women and to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality rates, especially in West Java.


Voluntary Counseling and Testing; gestational age; parity


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DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v2i2.1529


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