Ahmad Baikhaki


This research aims to 1) Describe environtmentally friendly lifestyle towards resistance facing the disasters, 2) Describe social media usage towards resistance facing the disasters, and 3)Analysis environtmentally friendly lifestyle and social media usage towards resistance facing the disasters. This research use qualitative metode that intend to understand real overview between environtmentally friendly lifestyle and social media usage towards resistance facing the flood natural disaster that already applied by Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer Community. The data collected through closed questionnaire (40 respondents), 6 written interview with affected resident, and 7 respondent through direct interview and written, that consisct of Disaster Media Online Editor, Expert, Academic, and Government. The result of this research is found fact that an environtmentally friendly lifestyle is one of social intervention strategies aimed to reduce the risk of flood and support establishing the resistance to facing flood disaster. Beside it, online media also giving information access, socialitation, and education related to disaster with interesting contents like infographic, short movie, as well as the other content so that it has a direct impact on peoples understanding of what kind of mitigation measures should be taken to reduce the risk of flood disaster.


lifestyle; environtmentally friendly; online media; flood resistance; dompet dhuafa volunteer


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DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v4i1.6116


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