Gigit Pratama Ginarso


This research was conducted in the northern area of Banjarnegara Regency, based on the distribution map of potential landslide susceptibility issued by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, the northern region of Banjarnegara Regency has a very high potential for landslides including Pandanarum, Kalibening, Karangkobar, Wanayasa, Pejawaran and Batur Districts. . This study aims to formulate the direction of land use for settlements, determine the suitability of the spatial plan, the direction of landslide disaster mitigation and determine the availability of land for the development of settlements in the Northern Region of Banjarnegara Regency. This research method uses quantitative analysis methods and qualitative descriptive analysis using ArcGIS software, namely by analyzing the landslide hazard index, landslide hazard vulnerability index, land capability, settlement land suitability, projection of residential land needs. The results of the study found that the landslide hazard level was Low, Medium and High with a total area of high landslide hazard class of 5.576 Ha, medium hazard area of 5.245 Ha and low hazard area of 17,238 Ha. The level of vulnerability to landslide hazards has a vulnerability level of Low, Medium and High with a total area of 5,871 Ha for low vulnerability, 4,815.7 for medium vulnerability and 133.6 Ha for high vulnerability. while the potential lives exposed to the danger of landslides is 21,763 people, the potential physical loss is Rp.,-, the potential economic loss is Rp. 19.602. The land capability in the northern area of Banjarnegara Regency has a Medium Development Capacity Zone class with an area of 4,689 Ha and Enough Development Capacity with an area of 33,695 Ha. The Suitability of Settlement Land has a Very Suitable category of 1,482 Ha (4%), an SUIT category of 16,576 Ha (43%), an Unsuitable category of 19,454 Ha (51%), and an Unsuitable category of 871 Ha (2%). The projection of residential land needs in 2040 found the need for residential land with a total area of 1,574 Ha and based on the results of the analysis of the direction of land use for settlement development in the northern area of Banjarnegara Regency, it has a total area of 5,790 Ha, with the level of conformity with the plan for the pattern of settlement space with the category of Appropriate for an area of 1,263 Ha. (52%) and the Unsuitable category covering an area of 1.181 Ha (48%). Landslide disaster mitigation directions for residential areas that are in the landslide-prone zone, namely for relocation are 10 Ha (2%), area protection directions are 132 Ha (23%) and adaptation directions are 436 Ha (75%). Based on the results of the analysis of the direction of land use for settlements in the northern region of Banjarnegara Regency, it is still sufficient with the availability of surplus land of 4,216 Ha.


threat of landslide hazard; vulnerability to landslide hazard; disaster mitigation; land capability; land suitability; land use


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DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v4i2.6130


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