The Correlation between the knowledge about the environment and emotional intelligence with Student behavior in maintaining the health of the environment in Junior High Schools

Syafyendri Syafyendri


The objectives of the research is to find the correlations between the knowledge about the environment and emotional intelligence the independent variable with student behavior in maintaining the health of the environment variable. The research was conducted Junior High School in Jambi City in 2015 with a randomly selected amount of 82. The research used survey method and data analysis tecnique using the correlation and simple linier regression statistic test, the hypotesis test was conduted on a 0.05 and 0.01significance level.The research produced three main conclusions namely: (1) There is positive and highly significant  correlation between knowledge about the environment (X1) and student behavior in maintaining the health of the environment (Y) with correlation coefficient ry1 = 0.938 and regression equation Ŷ= 93. 699 + 0.226 X1 (2) There is positive and highly significant correlation and between emotional intelligence (X2) and student behavior in maintaining the health of the environment (Y) with correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.790 and regression equation Ŷ = 46. 677 + 0.603 X2 (3) There is positive highly significant correlation and between knowledge about the environment (X1) and emotional intelligence (X2) all together with student behavior in maintaining the health of the environment (Y) with correlation ry12 = 0.976 and regression equation Ŷ= 115.816 + 0.499 X1 + -0.467 X2.Based on the results of this study concluded that the behavior of the students in the health of the environment. can be enhanced through the knowledge of environmental and emotional intelligence.


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DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v6i1.7743


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