Kata kunci :Penanganan Resiko Longsor, Faktor Keamanan Lereng, FK, Bronjong kawat, pile.
The model for handling landslide risk on river slopes can be started by calculating the slope safety factor. Analysis of slope safety factoris obtained by analyzing several slope material parameters using the geo-slope program. The parameters required are the type of material that makes up the slope from the results of geological mapping and geoelectrical data acquisition, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil from laboratory tests, and the geometry of the slope. Based on an analysis of the safety factor for the slopes of the Cilebakcawi River, the condition of the slopes is in an unstable state with a safety factor value of 0.983. The slope safety score at the research location is also greatly influenced by the depth of the MAT. With these unstable conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the slopes, including using wire gabions combined with terracing and piles. The results of this strengthening combination can increase the slope safety figure to above 3.328 even in shallow MAT conditions, which indicates the slope is in a stable or stable condition.
Keywords:Model for Handling landslide, Slope Safety Factor, FK, Wire Gabion, pile.
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DOI: 10.33751/teknik.v25i1.10303 Abstract views : 111 views : 49
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