Kata Kunci: Kawasan Hutan Produksi; Kelayakan Lokasi; Pengelolaan Sampah; TPA
An inefficient waste management system can be one of the environmental pollutants that can interfere with public health. The capacity of existing landfills in Banten Province is generally not optimal in accommodating the generation of waste produced, which is 1.5 million tons per year and is in 5th place nationally, so it is necessary to find solutions such as developing existing landfill locations or finding new locations. This study aims to identify a suitable location to be the location for the Development of the Cileles Regional Waste Landfill, as well as to determine the level of feasibility of the landfill, carried out using observation methods through field and institutional surveys and analyzed by scoring, buffering, and overlay methods using the Geographic Information System (GIS). The results of this study are known that Location 1 is declared suitable and technically FEASIBLE to be developed into a regional waste landfill in Cileles District, Lebak Regency, with a land capacity of 186.04 ha or greater than the landfill land needs needed to accommodate waste production in WKP III until 2042. The location is in the Production Forest Area (KHP) owned by Perum Perhutani Forest Stakeholders Unit (KPH) Banten; this is in accordance with the mandate of Banten Governor Regulation Number 23 of 2022, namely to carry out a strategy to strengthen coordination and cooperation between the Provincial Government and partnerships with the business world, one of which is through the use of Perum Perhutani's land. Because the location plan is in the Production Forest Area (KHP), it is necessary to obtain approval from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and follow the provisions of the law related to the use of forests for the public interest.
Keywords: Production Forest Area; Location Feasibility; Waste Management; Landfill
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DOI: 10.33751/teknik.v25i2.11084

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