Kata Kunci: Kampung Kota, Rest Area, Desain Detil, Kampung Wisata
The city of Bogor is one of the cities with the status of supporting the National Capital, so the City of Bogor must prepare its area as a tourist attraction for visitors outside the city, especially residents of the capital. Kertamaya Village in South Bogor District has different characteristics from other sub-districts in Bogor City, with its location very close to the foot of the mountain, there is a lot of natural tourism potential that can be utilized. In Kertamaya Village there is a village that is very isolated, but has good potential for development, the village is called Ciomas Village which has several tourism potentials that can be developed. It is hoped that the existing potential can be developed into an Eco-Edutourism area. There is a KAI transit station east of Kampung Ciomas. Its existence encourages the existence of rest area facilities and infrastructure. This community service activity uses a design model approach as carried out by Booth with the design stages still referring to Booth, namely: 1) project acceptance; 2) research/analysis; 3) concept planning-design; 4) construction drawings; 5) implementation; 6) post construction, evaluation, and maintenance. It is hoped that this community service activity can develop and grow the economy of the surrounding community and can introduce the area as a tourist destination for people outside the city of Bogor.
Keywords: City Village, Rest Area, Detailed Design, Tourist Village
Booth NK. 1983. Basic Element of Landscape Architecture Design. Illinois (US): Waveland Press, Inc.
Hester RTJr. 1990. Community Design Primer. Ridge Times Pr.
Motloch JI. 2001. Introduction to Landscape Design. Canada (US): John Wiley & Sons Inc.
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Starke BW & Simonds JO. 2013. Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design. United State of America (US): McGraw-Hill Education.
White ET. 1983. Site Analysis. Florida (US): Architectural Media Ltd.
DOI: 10.33751/teknik.v25i2.11234 Abstract views : 26 views : 19
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