Kata kunci : Daya Tampung Lahan, Lahan Potensial Perumahan, Pertumbuhan Penduduk
The rapid population growth in Bogor Regency has led to an increased need for residential land. Citeureup District, as one of the buffer zones with a high growth rate, needs to have its land carrying capacity analyzed to ensure sustainable housing development. This study aims to identify potential land for housing and analyze its carrying capacity in Citeureup District. The method used in this research is a digital map overlay with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to identify potential land, and descriptive quantitative analysis to calculate the carrying capacity of the land based on the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 20/PRT/M/2007 and Decree of the Minister of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure No. 403/KPTS/M/2002. The results showed that Citeureup District has a potential land area of 1,410 hectares, with a carrying capacity of 27,811 housing units or 139,055 people. Based on the population projection for 2042 of 283,540 people, Citeureup District cannot accommodate this population growth.
Keywords: Land Carrying Capacity, Land Suitability for Housing, Population Growth
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DOI: 10.33751/teknik.v25i2.11235 Abstract views : 20 views : 21
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