Diki Andika Saputra, Eneng Tita Tosida, Fajar Delli W


Transaction data is customer or customer data at a commercial or non-commercial institution that contains the consumer id, transaction time, and transaction items. From transaction data such as supermarket transactions, sequential patterns can be found to determine the interrelationship between items or items. Data if further processed or analyzed will produce information or knowledge that is important and valuable as a support in decision making. This study aims to determine the consumption patterns owned by customers and provide information that can be used in determining the layout of new store shelves. The SPADE algorithm is an algorithm for finding sequential patterns to break down the main problem into sub-problems that can be solved separately. Based on the result obtained it can be concluded that the application of the SPADE algorithm has the highest minimum support value that can still form maximal frequent sequences is 29%. The highest minimum support value of the SPADE algorithm is 0.2% with a maximum minimum confidence value of 81% and the number of rules formed is 1,118 Rule, but confidence is taken 60% up so that there are only 15 Rule. Whereas the Apriori algorithm has the highest minimum support value that can still form the maximum frequent sequences is 25%. The highest minimum support value of the apriori algorithm which can still form a rule is 0.3% with a maximum value of 88% minimum confidence and the number of rules formed as many as 494 Rule, but confidence is taken 60% up so that there are only 29 Rule.


data mining, algoritma SPADE, algoritma apriori.


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DOI: 10.33751/komputasi.v16i2.1621 Abstract views : 1243 views : 698


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