Linear Kernel Optimization of Support Vector Machine Algorithm on Online Marketplace Sentiment Analysis

Fiki Andrianto, Abdul Fadlil, Imam Riadi


Twitter is a short message platform commonly used as a means of news information, commentary, and social interaction. One of the utilization of twitter is to analyze the sentiment of the online marketplace which can be used to determine the service, quality of goods, and delivery of goods on a product, service or application. This research aims to categorize the reviews or responses of the Indonesian people, especially to the online marketplace using the linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. In order to make continuous improvements to the role of the Indonesian online marketplace in the future, sentiment analysis is needed. The analysis research tweets used were 4165 datasets using the python programming language. Sentiment analysis research stages include data collection, preprocessing, labeling, tf-idf weighting, split data, SVM model analysis and result evaluation. The data is then divided into 80% training data and 20% testing data, 50% training data and 50% testing data, 20% training data and 80% testing data. The results of the svm algorithm testing scenario obtained the highest optimization with an accuracy value of 97%, F1-score value on positive labels 88% and negative 98%, also obtained a positive recall value of 80% and negative 100% precision value on positive labels 98% and negative 97%, on 80% training data and 20% testing. It can be concluded that in this case, the linear svm algorithm is able to work to recognize models with a high level of accuracy so that in the future it can be used in similar cases.


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