Example Non-Example Method: Students' Learning Outcomes Improvement Regarding Adding and Subtracting Two Fractions with Different Denouncors in Mathematics Subjects

Eulis Mardiani


This research departed from the phenomenon that occurs in the classroom, namely the low understanding and learning outcomes of students in mathematics learning about adding and subtracting two fractions with different denominators using the example non example learning model. Therefore, a teacher needs to consider learning strategies so that they can improve student learning outcomes. This research aims (1) to find out that the example non example learning model can improve students' learning outcomes regarding addition and subtraction of two fractions with different denominators in sixth grader of elementary school. (2) to describe the process of improving student learning outcomes regarding addition and subtraction of two fractions with different denominators before and after using the example non example learning model in sixth grader of elementary school. (3) to measure the magnitude of the increase in students' learning outcomes regarding addition and subtraction of two fractions with different denominators after using the example non example learning model in sixth grader of elementary school. The results of this research show that using the example non-example learning model can be a fun learning variation for students so that it is proven to improve students’ learning outcomes. Before using the example non example learning model, student learning outcomes only reached an average score of 64.10, then there was an increase after using the example non example learning model to 73.08 in cycle 1 and 81.28 in second cycle. From the description above, the researcher concludes that the use of the example non example learning model which is adapted to the learning material can create a pleasant learning situation resulting in an increase in student learning outcomes. Therefore, researchers suggests that the use of the example non-example learning model be socialized and used as an alternative in mathematics learning in schools.


Example non-example learning model, Student learning outcomes, Mathematics subjects


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DOI: 10.55215/pedagogia.v16i1.9660 Abstract views : 74 views : 29


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