Poppy Sofia Hidayati


EFL reading classes are often teacher-centered and only focus on direct knowledge transmission, the emphasis is often put on the production of comprehension rather than the processing skills. This research attempts to maximize the students’ participation in evaluating the process of reading by using speed reading program, to find out the strategies they use in the reading process, and to know the students’ perceptions on speed reading in order to enhance their reading comprehension skill in English. The participants of the study are twenty one students of English Education Study Program of Faculty of Teachers Training and Educational Sciences, in the fifth semester of 2017/2018 academic year. The data were collected from the students’ reading graphs, reflection journals, and interview. The major findings of this research are: (1) the average of students’ reading rate is below the ideal speed 300 wpm, but the average result of comprehension score is excellent. Both reading rate and reading comprehension show a progress. (2) Most of the students had used cognitive strategies and unconsciously used metacognitive strategies also. (3) Most of the students showed positive perceptions toward the speed reading program, they were also motivated and able to evaluate themselves to develop their reading skill. It can be concluded that at this level, they have acquired some reading skills and strategies, and by evaluating and recognizing their own weaknesses, they have tried to improve themselves to get better.


Keywords: EFL, Case Study, Speed Reading, Strategy, Perception


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