Yuli Yuliantini, Eka Suhardi



This study is classified as Classroom Action Research (CAR) which aims to improve the learning process  and  improve  good  learning  outcomes  in  students  in  improving  their  ability  to  solve

environmental problems in junior high school students. This study was conducted in state junior high school 2, Bogor City. The sample taken was 34 people in VIIG class, consisting of 1 teacher as a model and 2 collaborators. The study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of four main activities, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This research applies the learning model of incuri and uses audio visual media. The first cycle of the value of problem solving ability is still low with an average of 75.18 with a completeness of 70%. In the second cycle

there was a change in the grouping of learning according to the results of reflection in cycle 1, namely the number of groups into 9 groups. In the learning process each student gets an award by using a star board so that it can increase students' motivation in learning. Learning in cycles 1 and

2 is conducted experimentally, experiments are carried out outside the classroom and it can reduce student saturation, while in cycle 2 the second meeting is conducted in biology laboratories and seating positions remain U-shaped. In cycles 1 and 2 before students carry out experiments given film shows related to environmental pollution material and this is very helpful for students and students' enthusiasm increases high. The study was completed at the end of cycle 2 because it had

reached grades an average of 82.35 with a high category with 100% completeness. And the results of processing and analysis can be concluded that learning with inquiry models and audio-visual media can increase the ability to solve environmental problems in WIG class 2 students in Bogor City Middle School 2.




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