Muhadi Muhadi


Abstract : This research was conducted with the aim to assess Knowing the relationship of food knowledge and motivation to live a healthy life together with food consumption behavior. The method used was survey method is a method of research using questionnaires, tests, structured interviews as the main instrument . The population in this study is the community, housewife or family who has the educational background of junior high school in the district of East Bogor City Bogor totaling 302 people. Sampling was taken by probability sampling. This research resulted in the following conclusions: 1) There is a positive relationship and very significant between knowledge of food with food consumption behavior. The strength of the relationship between Knowledge On Food (X1) with the Food Consumption Behavior (Y) is indicated by the correlation coefficient = 0.308 ry1. 2) There is a very significant positive relationship between motivation and healthy life with food consumption behavior. The strength of the relationship between motivation Healthy Living (X2) to Conduct Food Consumption (Y) is indicated by the correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.105 3) There is a positive relationship and very significant between Knowledge On Food (X1) and Motivation Healthy Living (X2) together with Food consumption behavior (Y). Both go hand in hand, which means the higher the motivation of knowledge about food and healthy life together, the higher the food consumption behavior. Levels of the relationship indicated by the correlation coefficient = 0.311 ry.12


Keywords : Knowledge, motivation to live a healthy life together, food consumption behavior.


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