Robingah Robingah, Rita Retnowati, Eka Suhardi


Abstract : Community empowerment program always wears the role of a person's participation, because without their participation of  the community, a program is not necessarily to be implemented properly and partisipsi society also become a benchmark in the success of the community in the program.

Participation means community participation in the development process in the form of a statement or in the form of activities to provide feedback, thoughts, energy, time, expertise, capital or materials, sealuasi and menikmatirta take benefit and enjoy the fruits of development. In this study, researchers took three sub focus, namely: first How-P2W efforts made in increasing participation KSS housewife in an integrated area development environment? How the efforts made both P2WKSS in empowering mothers of households in developing economies populist in Liponsos village Eka Jaya subdistrict southern Jambi. Third How do P2WKSS coaching efforts in waste management Household in LIposos?The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to answer all Sub Focus of this research and describe the data obtained in the field.

From the results of this study found that in the implementation of an integrated regional development program through the household waste management, household mothers who participated in the activity. The impact of our household waste management is able to develop themselves and memberrdayakan others, give positive change and empower others. provide positive change in the developing area of integrated environment.


Keywords :participation of housewives, community empowerment program, the household waste management



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