The Influence of Serving Leadership and Personality on Work Productivity Through Work Motivation in The Production Department Employees of PT Restu Ibu Pusaka
The purpose of this study is to determine the magnitude of the direct influence of leadership of serving and personality on work motivation, to find out the magnitude of the direct influence of leadership of service, personality, and work motivation on work productivity, and to find out the magnitude of the indirect influence of serving leadership and personality on work productivity through work motivation. The study population was 201 employees of PT Restu Ibu Pusaka with a sample of 134 employees. Data collection for each variable studied used a questionnaire with an assessment scale. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistical analysis techniques and path analysis techniques (path analysis). The results showed: (a) There is a positive direct influence of serving leadership on work motivation with a path coefficient value of β = 0.011, a calculated t value of 3.026 with a table t value at the sig level = 0.05 with n – 2 or 134-2 = 132. It can be concluded that the calculated value of > ttabel or 3.026 > 1.659 or sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 means that the positive direct influence of Serving Leadership on Work Motivation is significant. (b) There is a positive direct influence of personality on work motivation with a path coefficient value of β = 0.946, a calculated t value of 19.620 with a table t value at the sig level = 0.05 with n – 2 or 134-2 = 132. It can be concluded that the calculated value of > ttabel or 19.620 > 1.659 or sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 means that the positive direct influence of personality on work motivation is significant. (c). There is a positive direct influence of serving leadership on work productivity with a path coefficient value of β = 0.272, a calculated t value of 3.638 with a table t value at the sig level = 0.05 with n – 2 or 134-2 = 132. It can be concluded that the calculated value of > ttabel or 3.638 > 1.659 or the sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 means that the direct positive influence of serving leadership on employee work productivity is significant. (d). There is a positive direct influence of personality on work productivity with a path coefficient value of β = 0.427, a calculated t value of 2.527 with a table t value at the sig level = 0.05 with n – 2 or 134-2 = 132. It can be concluded that the calculated value of > ttabel or 2.527 > 1.659 or the sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 means that the direct positive influence of personality on employee work productivity is significant. (e). There is a positive direct influence of work motivation on work productivity with a path coefficient value of β = 0.149, a calculated t value of 4.927 with a table t value at the sig level = 0.05 with n – 2 or 134-2 = 132. It can be concluded that the calculated value of > ttabel or 4.972 > 1.659 or the sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 means that the positive direct influence of work motivation on employee work productivity is significant. (f). There is a positive and significant indirect influence of serving leadership on productivity through work motivation with a zhitung value greater than ztabel or 10.906 > 1.96. (g). There is a positive and significant indirect influence of personality on productivity through work motivation with a zhitung value greater than ztabel or 8.727 > 1.96.
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DOI: 10.33751/jssah.v4i3.7414
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