Dini Valdiani, Langgeng Prima Anggradinata, Prameswari Handayani


Bantarsari Village, Bogor Regency is one of the tourist villages located in Bogor Regency. Bantarsari Village is the only village that has a podcast program in Bogor Regency. This program is an example of the movement of villages into digital villages in the era of digitalization. The problem is, Bantarsari Village has not been able to use ICT to realize transparency of public information despite efforts. The Bantarsari Village Podcast is one of the media that can accommodate public information disclosure and is able to reach the community, especially youth groups and the wider community outside Bantarsari Village. Through the Bantarsari Village podcast, publication, promotion, and transparency can be done. However, the podcast that has been made has not reached the majority of the people of Bantarsari Village. This can be seen from the low number of viewers, which is only 20 viewers. The low number of viewers is due to the low quality of podcasts produced by the village government. After making observations, the low quality of the podcast is due to several things the low technological and digital literacy ability of the Bantarsari Village Youth podcast and the technology used in podcast production is still simple. These two things make the quality of the Bantarsari Village podcast not optimal. Thus, the solution carried out is podcast production training and the addition of podcast media by utilizing the Bantarsari Village website. The achievement is that the people of Bantarsari Village, especially the Village Youth as a production team, are expected to have high technological literacy and digital literacy skills. Then, the Bantarsari Village government has adequate podcast facilities to support one of the village's plans and strategies towards a Digital Village.


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