Muhammad Reza, Yogaprasta Adi Nugraha


Ciasmara Village, Bogor Regency, is one of the tourist villages in Bogor Regency. The main problem faced by tourism in Ciasmara Village is that promotion in this pandemic era is the biggest factor causing the tourism potential of Ciasmara Village to decline. Tourism is a sector that has a high risk of failure, this is because tourism is very dependent on promotion and infrastructure support. Conditions like this are a challenge for managers, including the youth in Ciasmara village, Pamijahan sub-district, Bogor regency. Advances in information and communication technology can be seen from two sides, not only about the negative impacts that arise, but also the positive impacts given to its users. Today's information and communication technology has begun to enter rural areas, this can be seen from the number of young people who use social media and Whatsapp. The use of Information and Communication Technology is expected to be able to overcome obstacles related to space and distance. In this pandemic era, through communication and information technology obstacles such as Knowledge Sharing between fellow youth groups related to tourism management in the pandemic era, besides that through Information and Communication Technology it is also hoped that tourism promotion in Ciasmara village can increase in the pandemic era. This Community Service Activity is expected to be able to improve the ability of tourism managers, youth youth groups in utilizing communication and information technology for promotion


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