Valianty Sariswara, Intan Tri Kusumaningtias


The partner in implementing this UMKM empowerment is the Arendrafood Fresh Fruit Juice UKM owned by Mrs. Lika Tri Astuti. Based on visits to partner locations, it is known that the highest demand for juice can reach approximately 200 - 500 bottles per day. Meanwhile, during the pandemic, the total amount of juice production decreased considerably, reaching the smallest number of only 20 bottles. Identification of the main problems experienced by Arendrafood fresh fruit juice partners include: (1) Lack of use of social media to introduce products to a wider area, so as to increase the number of orders. (2) The lack of courage of partners in creating content on social media, to increase their digital activities. (3) Lack of effective distribution, in order to save more energy. The purpose of this abdimas activity is to empower UMKM with ArendraFood fresh fruit juice, which at a young age has been affected by the pandemic. It is hoped that this service can provide improvements, especially from three aspects, namely: 1) Aspects of increasing the use of social media, 2) Aspects of increasing content, and 3) Marketing Aspects. The maximum use of social media by partners is expected to make many changes, such as increasing followers, interesting content variations, and digital marketing capabilities, to increase the number of orders. The working procedures to realize the methods offered are, the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and finally the Monitoring and Evaluation stage.


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