Dini Valdiani, Yogaprasta Adi Nugraha


In the realm of communication and information technology, societal involvement is pivotal in fostering institutions, notably within educational settings such as Madrasah Aliyah ASSA'IDIYYAH. Amidst competitive dynamics with conventional schools, this institution emphasizes the utilization of communication and information technology for advancement. While the academic community actively contributes to its development, enhancing the institution's human resources becomes essential to better serve local needs. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath pose formidable challenges. Managing school activities amidst health uncertainties proves taxing for Madrasah Aliyah administrators. Cianjur Regency, serving as an educational alternative for the capital's surrounding populace, boasts a strong religious-based educational framework, evident in its proliferation of such schools. At Madrasah Aliyah ASSA'IDIYYAH, inadequate promotion and social media infrastructure limitations hinder effective outreach, especially during the pandemic. Effective promotion relies heavily on robust support and infrastructure. This challenge necessitates attention from both administrators and students. The evolution of information technology yields both positive and negative impacts. Yet, technology offers solutions to spatial constraints, notably seen in the pervasive use of social media, even in remote areas. Leveraging information and communication technology can overcome spatial barriers and present an opportunity for Madrasah Aliyah ASSA'IDIYYAH to bolster its promotion and institutional image. Engaging with the community aims to empower the institution's academic community in utilizing technology for effective promotion, positioning, and representation.


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