Desi Amaliah, Ratih Siti Aminah, Firdanianty Fidanianty


The need for innovation in education is one of the important things that needs to be applied to every lesson in school. The development of technology and communication drags every individual to keep up with the times. Digital literacy in education requires special attention for rural schools. Not all schools have technological facilities that can support the use of digital media in learning. The active role of teachers and students in utilizing digital literacy to improve creative and innovative teaching and learning activities. Bina Utama Junior High School is one of the schools located in the Cianjur district. The main problem faced by Bina Utama Junior High School in this digital era is the lack of communication and information technology facilities available, as well as teachers' lack of understanding of online learning applications. In addition, students are only partially utilizing digital literacy as a learning medium. These factors cause the teaching and learning process to feel boring and lack innovation. And the school promotion process is limited because not all resources know how to create social media content. Seeing conditions like this is a challenge for Bina Utama Junior High School managers and teachers. This communication and information technology has positive and negative effects for its users. The use of technology and information is expected to be able to overcome the obstacles of teachers and students in the teaching and learning process so that innovation continues to emerge. With the training of online learning applications for teachers and students, it is expected to increase updated literacy so that education in rural areas can also compete with schools in urban areas. In addition, the utilization of school social media should be actively used as a school promotion.


Anggraeni, Yentri, dkk. Literasi Digital: Dampak dan Tantangan dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa. Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana 2019. 2019

Apjii. Infografis Penetrasi & Perilaku Pengguna Internet Indonesia Survey 2023. 2023

Damayanti, Isma. Optimalisasi Literasi Digital Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Upaya Penguatan Karakter. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Medan. Vol 3 (2019) hal.1004-1009

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